Tomorrow, I'm going in for a bronchoscopy at 8am. I have to be at the hospital at 6am, no food or drink after 11pm. For those of you who don't know, a bronchoscopy is a procedure where a doctor goes in via the oral cavity and through the throat to get to the lungs so he can take pictures of the lungs and get good, deep cultures of what bacteria is growing. It's helpful to make sure we aren't missing treating a bacteria growing in my lungs and causing me problems. I will have to have general anesthesia, which means there is the chance of complications related to that. If you would, please be sending prayers and good thoughts tomorrow, that the procedure is successful and that I don't have any complications. Thank you for your love and support!
Dear friends and family, I hope you all are having a happy and healthy 2019! The Great Strides CF Walk is just around the corner, and we are gearing up for a great walk day! Since my last CF Walk letter, my health has had its ups and downs. Just before the CF walk last year, I got the sickest I have been in awhile and had to fight off pneumonia with the help of 4 weeks of IVs. I also had to do IV antibiotics in August and November. However, I have stayed relatively healthy in 2019, and for that, I am extremely grateful! Although I’ve had to fight off 2 colds, my body has been able to get through it without needing IV antibiotics. While I know I will need another round of IVs eventually, I am thoroughly enjoying being IV free. I credit this to the amazing CF therapies available to me, my compliance to my treatments, and all of your prayers for my health. I continue to take 30+ pills a day including enzymes to digest my food, vitamins and supplements that my body cannot absorb ...
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