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It's been a while since I've written. To be honest, I've missed it. Not for the likes or the comments, but because I do my best processing through writing. And, as we all know, there's a lot to process right now. I decided now would be a good time to jump back into writing while I have the time.

It feels like the world is in chaos. Coronavirus has lots of people on edge. Many of us are quarantined to our houses. Scientists are telling us it's going to get worse before it gets better. I saw today that we might have to practice social distancing for a year or longer until there is a vaccine. A year?? Humans are designed for community and to be around one another. How are we supposed to live like this for a year or longer? Right now, we are just starting to figure out what it means to live in the time of coronavirus. There is still so much unknown, and that leaves many of us, myself included, feeling anxious. So today, I wanted to share some positive things I've seen people doing for one another and encourage you to think of some positive things you have seen.

1. Core Yoga is offering free online classes so you can do yoga at home.

2. CFFI (CF Fitness Institute) is offering free classes for people with pulmonary diseases because exercise is so important in keeping lungs healthy.

3. People are making cards for people in nursing homes who are unable to see visitors.

4. It's been beautiful to see so many churches selflessly transition to online platforms so people can continue worshipping at home.

5. Our church has held daily prayer times on Facebook live, which has been so helpful and encouraging.

6. Google Hangout and Facetime has allowed me to stay in contact with friends and family.

7. God is drawing people closer to Him during this time of social distancing because people don't have anywhere else to turn.

8. People at work have been so kind about my need to work from home and avoid being out in public since I am high risk.

9. School districts and churches are stepping up to provide meals for kids who rely on free or reduced breakfasts and lunches at schools.

10. People are getting outside, walking, and enjoying nature since normal places of business are closed.

Guys, we're in this for the long haul. Even though no one wants this, and all of our lives are being disrupted, let's continue to look out for one another, be with each other virtually, pray for one another, check on friends and neighbors, and be wise in such an unknown time. It's scary, it's unknown, it's uneasy, but we can get through this.


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